15 octobre 2024 17:11

Mastering Instagram Live: How to Engage Live Audiences

Mastering Instagram Live: How to Engage Live Audiences

Have you ever found yourself falling into an Instagram rabbit hole – only to realize that you’ve been watching the same creator for longer than you expected? Instagram Live has gone from niche feature to one of the primary ways that users engage with their followers.

Whether it’s an influencer selling products for affiliate dollars or someone streaming a live event, Instagram Live has quickly become a must-have tool for any social media strategy.

But many brands and businesses avoid the Live feature – not sure of how exactly they should implement it in their own strategy.

It’s one thing to record and polish a scripted video or advertisement – but going live and interacting with a real-time audience can be paralyzing. Here’s the good news: it’s actually not hard to build a successful and engaged following with Instagram Live (if you know what you’re doing).

3 Tips For Mastering Instagram Live


1. Plan Ahead, But Stay Flexible

The best part of Instagram Live is that it’s that – live and often unscripted. The thrill of real-time engagement is what attracts viewers and creates that sense of community.

But who said going live has to be an improv act? The best brands using Instagram Live come to the screen with a strategy behind why there are there, and what they want to say on their live video.

You could be hosting an event, updating your audience on a product or service, or even just having fun with your followers – but building a small strategy can help you avoid the dreaded “dead air” and keep people watching.

  • Who: Who are you trying to reach with your Instagram Live? What are they actually looking for to be entertained, educated, or moved to act?
  • What: What’s the point of your Live session? Some of the best Instagram Live streams are off the cuff and unexpected, but having a goal or desired outcome can keep you coming back to a main point when things go sideways.
  • Why: People love story – so make sure you come with yours. Make sure to tell the story in what you are sharing, but also engage with the audience throughout.

2. Interact With The Audience

People love it when the streamer engages with them – showing appreciate for their support or answering their questions. This interaction makes the audience feel part of the experience and keeps them engaged.

Here are a few ways you can engage with them:

  • Say their names and respond to comments: Use the comments section to your advantage! Call out users by their usernames and acknowledge any questions or comments they have. This personal touch makes viewers feel seen and heard;
  • Ask for feedback: Want to know what your audience wants to see more of? Simply ask them! Involve them in the process and make them feel like their opinion matters;
  • Play games or do challenges with viewers: Create a fun and interactive experience for your viewers by playing games or doing challenges with them. This can also be a great way to attract new viewers who are interested in participating.

3. Land The Plane

Every good thing must come to an end – even a wildly successful Instagram Live. Knowing how to thread the needle between the perfect Live and a way-too-long one is key.

Think about other marketing strategies you’ve used in the past. You want to:

  1. Remind them of what they just heard;
  2. Tell them what to do next;
  3. Invite them back for the next one.

If you covered anything in particular that you deem repeatable, repeat it before you end the Live. People walk away with the last thing they heard – and you want your most important message to be the last one they hear.

But don’t just give them information – tell them what to do with it! Give a clear call to action (“Head over to our website and use promo code XYZ for 10% off!”) to encourage them to take immediate action.

Then put a nice bow on top with a simple thank you and invitation to come back next time. You’ll create a sense of community that viewers will relate too, and they’ll want to return for more. (Just make sure you actually go live again!)

Will You Use Instagram Live As Part Of Your Marketing Strategy?

Instagram Live can feel like a feature that only the elite influencers can harness – but any brand can use it to boost engagement and drive viewers to their website or social media channels. The key is to try it out and see how best to use it within your marketing strategy.

Give it a shot, and expirement with different Instagram Live ideas to see what stick – and start buidling your audience online today!
