24 ottobre 2024 18:06

Behind the Lens: Photography Tips for Stunning Instagram Photos

Behind the Lens: Photography Tips for Stunning Instagram Photos

Instagram has always been an image-centric platform – even with the rollout of Snapchat-style stories and Reels. While you can trust your smartphone to take a pretty good photo, those who want to really catch eyes and “stop the scroll” need to give their photos a bit more oomph.

Does that mean you need to invest in a thousand-dollar DSLR camera and process everything through Photoshop? Luckily, no – you just need a few tips and tricks to give your photos that professional vibe.

Let’s break down a few tips that will instantly upgrade your Instagram photos.

Composition Tips for Professional Instagram Photos

First things first, you need to know the basics that go into photography. When you know how to frame your pictures and lead with the eye, you can capture incredible photos – even with a smartphone.

Rule of Thirds

A psychological concept known as the “rule of thirds” is used in art and photography. It’s a simple concept – imagine your photo divided into three equal parts, horizontally and vertically. Then, place the subject of your photo at one of the intersecting points.

This creates a more interesting composition and draws the viewer's eye to the image's focal point. So, instead of centering your subject in every shot, try experimenting with different placements within the frame using this rule.

Leading Lines

Another composition technique to keep in mind is leading lines. This refers to any linear elements in your photos that serve as a visual guide for the viewer's eyes. These can be anything from roads or train tracks to stairs or buildings.

Lines play a key role in pictures, adding depth and giving a sense of direction within the picture.

With leading lines, try to position yourself so that they lead diagonally or towards your subject. This creates interest and leads the viewer's eye through to the main focus of the picture.

leading lines

Foreground, Middleground, Background

With composition, you need to think not only about what is in the frame but also where things are placed inside that frame. This is where the three “grounds” come into play.

  1. Foreground: This is the layer of a photo that would be considered to be closest to your camera. This might be a patch of grass, a flower, or even a person. This helps add depth and creates an immersive feeling for the viewer.
  2. Middleground: This is the space where the main subject of your photograph typically falls. This could be a building, tree, or anything that will draw your attention. The middleground balances a picture's composition and places your subject in context.
  3. Background: This is the deepest layer of your camera. It normally includes objects like trees, mountains, and skyscrapers (so think of those big, awe-inspiring landscapes). These are a great way to bring depth to your picture and give it a “wow” factor.

Use Light to Your Advantage

Most smartphones are designed to take in a lot of light, which can be both a blessing and a curse. While this means you can capture bright and vibrant photos, it also means that your camera might struggle with harsh lighting. To avoid overexposed or washed-out photos, try to take advantage of natural lighting whenever possible.

For really impressive photos, shoot for “golden hour,” the hour after sunrise or before sunset. The light is softer and warmer during this time, making for more flattering and dramatic photos. If you’re shooting indoors, position your subject near a window where natural light can filter in.

What About Editing?

Instagram offers a suite of in-app editing tools that allow you to upgrade your photos before posting them. But before you go filter-crazy, remember to think in terms of reduction. Natural, genuine images often take the lead.

Less is often more when it comes to creating a visually appealing image. Instead, focus on showcasing the natural beauty of your subject or surroundings. Try out a few filters, and ask yourself, “Does this take away from the magic of the moment?”


Practice & Post Consistently To See Gains

These tips will help you enhance your Instagram photos, whether you are an influencer posting about products or just a regular user sharing personal moments. But remember, consistent practice and posting are key to growing your Instagram presence.

If your goal is to see concrete results, you’ll want to try different styles, post often, and stay engaged. Over time, you’ll find the “brand style” that fits your feed and the type of content that your followers respond to the most.

Now get out there and start putting these tips into practice – and have fun!