Analyzing your competitors' pages is an essential part of promoting your account. It is the
that will allow you to learn what subscribers are interested in, what new trends exist in the
and how to do better than your competitors.
How to analyze of competitors correctly will be described in detail below.
How to find your competitors on Instagram
The most up-to-date and effective search on Instagram is on the app itself. Just enter a keyword
the search box on the subject area of the account, and the social network will automatically
a list of the most popular accounts.
For the first analysis, such a list of competitors will be enough. The more popular the account
the more complicated it is to analyze and search for competitors.
Content analysis
After the performance of the first stage (search and selection of necessary competitor pages for
analysis), you can proceed to the second one. The second step, in general, contains the process
analysis. And it is divided into several directions, each requiring thorough work.
It is advised to start the analysis with the content. It's easier to make a conscious decision
the visual component of your account.
What to pay attention to when analyzing content:
- General visual data of the profile page. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to
bio of the profile and its design to obtain the interesting "features". More than 40 percent
potential clients pay attention to the profile bio. Evaluate the visual content in general.
Whether there is a certain color scheme, whether the main colors in stories, posts,
avatars match.
- Content of posts in the profile. Read several posts attentively, looking at the subject
You can also take some ideas for your content. For example, look at what your competitors
been up to in the last two or three months. And take some ideas from these posts.
- How the interaction with followers is performed. You can easily check how quickly and
efficiently your competitors communicate with their clients. It is enough to write to their
profile from a fake account and assess the level of their service. Customers appreciate it
their problems and questions are solved quickly.
- Engagement of target audience. Analyze to what extent competitors are trying to draw their
subscribers' attention to their accounts. How to do this? Monitor all content and find out
whether polls, quizzes, and games are being used, and whether there are activities in posts
You can borrow some ideas for activities, but not all of them may be suitable, you need to
careful here. You can also borrow ideas about contests and giveaways from competitors. The
effective ways to attract subscribers: people make a repost of the post/story of the account
their page, tag their friends in the comments under the posts, the next day the contest
chooses a winner using a randomizer. What do subscribers want? Prizes, of course. So, they
to be relevant, popular, and valuable to the target audience. It is worth learning from
competitors: what conditions in contests to specify, how to conduct them, what to give away.
- Sales content. It is important to find out how competitors sell, what key techniques they
to persuade the customer to make a purchase.
How the competitors promote their accounts
As soon as you find the competitors, analyze their content, borrow valuable ideas, it is
to perform one more important step: analysis of account promotion.
All accounts on Instagram mostly use different ads. You need to find out your competitors'
which determines the effectiveness of their advertising. For example, find out what leads are
applied by competitors, what key requests are used, and so on. All this can be examined on
Targeted advertising is also a fairly good way to promote your Instagram page. It is necessary
observe and identify whether competitors use target. It should be noted: what "tricks" are used,
what format the ads are displayed. And you can find all targeting ads on Facebook. It is enough
enter the name of the company in the search box.
According to what principles should you analyze the promotional offers of competitors?
- The visual part of the ad and text. One should several competitors for the analysis (for
example, two). Both of them use modern strategies, graphics, but still, have a different
of advertising. But there is one simple difference in their offers. The first one offers
to buy a manual, learn new skills, and apply them, earning money. The second offers to
trainees after training, and also promises to make the course the next day. In this case,
conclusion is the following: when formulating the text, you should not promise customers
than you actually have.
- The goal of targeted advertising. Some accounts need many followers, others need engagement,
others want to boost sales.
It's also worth noting how many ad layouts are displayed in the targeting. If the same
has several of the same ads, it means they are experimenting by targeting different
- Authorities for followers. Most shops and brands have several bloggers, with who they
collaborate by buying the advertising regularly. The opinion of these bloggers is exactly
followers respect. Therefore, their advertising will be more effective for the company.
After analyzing the accounts of competitors, it is important to draw conclusions. First
of all, highlight those facts that could be useful in your profile. Also, note
interesting, effective ways to attract potential buyers.