@victoriabonya is a verified Instagram profile of Victoria Bonya, who resides in Monaco. Her bio mentions her current business ventures, including @btbum_cap, a product line for skincare, @retreat.manasa, a retreat center in Bali, and @bonya_beauty, a beauty line. She also provides contact details for interested businesses, with the phone number +79851309955 attached. Additionally, she has a call-to-action in her bio, encouraging her followers to join her retreat by clicking the link provided.
#VictoriaBonya #Monaco #BTBUM_cap #RetreatManasa #BonyaBeauty #AD #Olga #Retreat #LuxuryRetreat #WellnessRetreat #Mindfulness #Meditation #Yoga #SelfCare #SelfLove #HealthyLiving #Healing #SelfDiscovery #HealthAndWellness #Spirituality #Transformation #PersonalGrowth #SelfEmpowerment #InnerPeace #SelfRealization #SelfDevelopment #SelfImprovement #LifeJourney #JoinRetreat
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