14 octobre 2024 16:02

How to work with text on Instagram

How to work with text on Instagram

Working with text on Instagram is an important aspect of creating quality content. To attract the attention of your audience, you need to approach writing posts correctly, using various techniques and methods. In this guide, we will cover the main aspects of working with text on Instagram, including formatting methods, tips for creating attractive headlines, and effective techniques for attracting the attention of subscribers.

Formatting text

One of the key points in creating a successful post is the correct formatting of the text. In Instagram, this is done by using special characters and punctuation marks. Let's look at the main elements of formatting:

Publishing lists

To create a list in a post, you need to use the * sign before each item. For example:

  • * Item 1;
  • * Item 2;
  • * Item 3.

This method allows you to make the post more structured and easier to read.

Highlighting headings

To create headings, use capital letters. You can also add underlining or bold font to emphasize important information. For example: "OUR NEW PRODUCTS THIS FALL"

Creating paragraphs

To separate one block of text from another, you should put a space after each paragraph. This will help readers perceive the information more easily.

Using emoji

Emoji can add emotional coloring to your post and make it more attractive to readers. However, you should not overuse them - a few suitable symbols are enough to enhance the effect.

Attracting attention


One of the important aspects of running Instagram is attracting the attention of your readers. For this, different techniques and tools are used, as well as different types of content. We will tell you what you need to consider when creating content.

The title should attract attention

The title of your post should be intriguing and catchy. Think about what might interest your audience and reflect the essence of the publication. Use bright and memorable wording so that people want to read your content to the end.

Publish cases and stories

People like to read real stories of success or failure. Talk about your achievements, share your experience, show examples from life. This makes your content more relatable and understandable to the audience.


Q&A is a great way to interact with your followers. Encourage them to ask questions in the comments and answer them in your next post. This helps establish contact with the audience and show your expertise.


Highlights are a kind of album with stories that are always available on your page. They allow you to save important moments and share them with subscribers. Create highlights on different topics, such as customer reviews, products, useful tips, etc.

Life hacks and features

We also share additional life hacks and features of working with text and content in general when publishing on Instagram. And the first thing to consider is the time of publication.


Publication schedule

Plan your posts in advance and publish them at the most appropriate time. Use analytics tools to determine the best time to publish when your audience is most active.


Hashtags help your posts be seen by more people. Use relevant hashtags, but don’t overload your post with them — 5-10 hashtags will be enough.

Photo captions

Don’t forget to caption your photos — this will help people better understand the context of the post. Add interesting facts, quotes, or calls to action.

Interact with your audience

Try to reply to comments, like, and comment on other users’ posts. Being active on social media increases your visibility and helps increase the number of followers.

Let's sum it up

Your text, whether it is interesting or mediocre, will be determined by the reader after reading it. In order for the text to be noticed and read, and not just skimmed, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Dividing the text into paragraphs. Divide the text into separate blocks to make it easier to perceive the information;
  2. Attractive headlines or intrigue. The beginning of a post or paragraph should contain a catchy headline or an interesting fact that will make the reader continue reading;
  3. Dividing the text into sections. Structured text looks more professional and is easier to read;
  4. Using emoji or special characters. Emoji and special characters will help emphasize important points and make the text more lively;
  5. Highlighting important fragments. Mark key points to draw attention to the main idea of the post;
  6. Mentioning your account when posting a link. If you post a link, do not forget to mention your account at the end of the paragraph to increase the number of clicks.

Working with text on Instagram requires creativity and familiarity with formatting tools. Use the tips above to create quality, engaging content that will appeal to your audience.