02 ottobre 2024 18:54

How to increase engagement on Instagram

How to increase engagement on Instagram

Audience engagement is considered one of the main indicators on Instagram. This is an indicator that demonstrates the interest of users in your website or social media account. With its help, it is easy to understand how effectively the company interacts with the audience and meets its needs.

Engagement is important for developing productive communications and retaining customers in the company's community. Here are 8 tips for increasing engagement to develop your account.

Make high-quality photo content

Make high-quality photo content

Create attractive content for your audience. After all, every like leads to views increasing several times. Bright and clear photos always get more likes and have a greater reach. Delete dark, blurry and dirty photos.

Do not use cheating

If your account has a lot of inactive or suspicious subscribers, delete them. Users who do not show interest in the content are useless.

Instagram algorithms take into account the activity of the audience: if they notice that Muscovites do not interact with your content, then the rest of the capital's residents will not see it either.

Do not use cheating

Delete bots, non-target audiences, and subscribers who have more than 1,500 subscriptions. Most likely, they are not interested in your account. Refuse to interact with users who do not match your target audience profile if you have information about their gender, age, city of residence, and so on. For example, a store from Voronezh should exclude Arab subscribers. But a blogger specializing in fitness should not do this, because then there will be no one to like.

You can check the number of bots using the LiveDune service. It will analyze the audience of your account.

Use hashtags correctly

The role of hashtags on Instagram is greatly exaggerated. We can say that hashtags are ineffective. However, consider the characteristics of the audience, sometimes they use certain hashtags to search for information on Instagram. Do not use hashtags with low-quality content, spam, or those that have been blocked.

When hashtags were just gaining popularity, to get to the top of the search results, it was enough to collect more likes than other publications. Uniting with like-minded people, using common hashtags and exchanging likes helped achieve this goal.

Choose the right time for publications for yourself

Feed algorithms have abolished the concept of the optimal time for publications. Many bloggers experimented with time, but the level of engagement remained the same, although the dynamics of likes changed.

To increase the number of likes, study LiveDune data and choose the optimal time for publications.

Leave calls to action

Introduce calls to action into your materials. Invite the audience to perform some action, use provocations. Many bloggers openly ask their subscribers to like.

You can experiment with your audience, but according to a study by Visi, using the words "comment" and "like" can reduce organic traffic. But why not test it in practice?

Join thematic associations on the topic

Join thematic associations

They are also called Instagram Gang. Creating groups of bloggers for mutual approval of content. It is believed that a like from an account with 5,000 subscribers is more valuable than from an account with 300 subscribers. This stimulates such associations.

Also, within the groups, there is an exchange of news and experience on Instagram. Abroad, such groups are called Instagram Pods, and in our country - "Instatims" or "mutual assistance groups". You can join such a group in the Telegram chat "Experiments on Instagram".

Actively post stories

Now Stories have become the main tool on Instagram. Thanks to them, publications are seen by more people, and the chance of finding your audience that does not see your feed increases.

Using stories to their full potential can increase the reach of a small account several times.

Create interactive content

Contests, sweepstakes, quizzes, puzzles and discussions in the comments. Interactive content attracts twice as much attention as regular content. However, be careful with giveaways. Although they are not officially banned, many users have lost their accounts due to participating in them.

Let's sum it up

sum it up

Although Instagram is blocked in Russia, it still remains one of the most popular social networks, and therefore it is definitely worth promoting in it. But to do this, you need to approach promotion correctly and, first of all, pay attention to engagement. And to increase it, use these 8 tips:

  • Be sure to create quality content for your audience;
  • Do not use cheating;
  • Use hashtags correctly and make sure that you do not come across blocked ones;
  • Choose an individual publication mode for yourself, depending on the audience;
  • Study the concept of CTA and correctly leave calls to action in each post;
  • Join the Instagram Gang - a mutual aid group;
  • Actively use all content tools - stories, reels and others;
  • Create interactive content for the audience.

And also always follow all the innovations and changes of Instagram, this will help you to stay up to date and introduce new things into your content in a timely manner.